Our Values

Our Values

The decisions we make are a reflection of our values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose.

Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. Values in a narrow sense is that which is good, desirable, or worthwhile. Values are the motive behind purposeful action. Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide.

In essence, our company’s core values are the beliefs, philosophies, and principles that drive our business. They impact the employee experience we deliver as well as the relationship we develop with our customers, partners, and shareholders. They drive how we work together and how we show up for our community, and they shape what we aspire to be. They influence our business decisions and how we ultimately serve our customers.

Our Values Are:

1. Integrity

Integrity is our foundation for everything that we do at Hopestake (Private) Limited. It guides all of our actions with respect to the quality and effectiveness of our products, our abundant and balanced compensation plan and how we operate. Integrity is doing the right things at all times and is the value upon which we build and maintain trust. It means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. It takes having the courage to do the right thing, no matter what the consequences will be.

Integrity should extend to professional areas at work such as decision making, interacting with colleagues and serving customers or clients. A person with integrity is able to tolerate challenges, delays and unexpected obstacles while maintaining a calm, even demeanor.

When we operate from integrity, we gain the trust of other people, especially those we work with closely. This is crucial especially for those in positions of leadership. Others see us as dependable and accountable for our actions. Trust develops, people feel safe in your presence, and you gain influence.

Integrity is a hallmark of ethical leadership, companies, clients, co-workers, stakeholders, communities, and families want leaders that they can trust, and when we demonstrate integrity, we show everyone we can be trusted and respected.

2. Belief

Belief is an invisible force impacting the course of our lives everyday

Opportunity often exists in the gap between what most people believe to be true, and what an entrepreneur imagines instead. Belief empowers people to become more than they have ever imagined possible. It inspires us to realize our dreams and provides us with the courage to lead others to do the same. We believe we can make a meaningful in many lives.

If you believe that you have the creativity, focus and discipline to solve any problem that comes up in your business, then that will come true. Focus on developing your core beliefs, and you will have the power to overcome any challenge on the path to your business empire. Our beliefs shape our decisions about our business, especially when we are under pressure


One of the most important beliefs in business is maintaining ownership. Working with a belief in ownership is a way to take full responsibility and is a chance to celebrate victories and accept defeats with a sense of purpose. Decisions are creative opportunities for expansiveness. Be greedy for the best long-term outcome, even if it causes short-term sacrifice. Act with purpose and invent the future. Be maniacally focused on building the best long-term solutions for our stakeholders."

3. Respect

Respect is about living the Golden Rule and treating others how we would want to be treated.

Respect is something that carries a lot of power. It has the power to bring people together or tear them apart. Respect is something we all want but struggle to give especially in the online world. With the lack of real-life interactions of social media, it’s easy to feel disconnected.

Hopestake build a culture of respect .We show respect; we act respectfully; we speak with respect. In Hopestake we pledge to “treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same.”

We respect the differences, value the unlimited potential and celebrate the unique qualities in people.

We teach our Independent Business Owners (IBOs) the ways to be respectful and what to do when somebody isn’t respectful toward them. We will consistently treat customers and company resources with the respect they deserve. Respect is the glue that holds your relationships together. Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the most important things a successful businessman can do It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness.

4. Gratitude

Gratitude gives us our perspective in life. We choose to focus on the positive, we praise and recognize the accomplishments of others and are thankful.

It's taking a moment to reflect on how fortunate we are when something good happens — whether it's a small thing or a big thing.

Making a habit of gratitude can also be good for us. Like other positive emotions, feeling grateful on a regular basis can have a big effect on our lives. Brain research shows that positive emotions are good for our bodies, minds, and brains. People who often feel grateful and appreciative are happier, less stressed, and less depressed. Gratitude is like a U-turn on complaining or thinking about what we don't have. Positive emotions open us up to more possibilities. They boost our ability to learn and make good decisions.

Gratitude in the workplace is especially critical because it satisfies the higher psychological need to feel a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves–to feel a sense of meaning at work.

This desire for meaning at work is part of an organizational and psychological shift toward a more human workplace, rooted in gratitude, where employees feel appreciated, valued, respected, and empowered to reach their fullest potential.

Gratitude goes hand to hand with the act of giving recognition. When we recognize one another, it makes us even more appreciative and inspires the person we’ve thanked to give that feeling to someone else, leading to a swell in happiness, well-being, morale, energy, and engagement–all of which directly influence performance, productivity, and retention.

This is the gratitude effect: A ripple of acknowledgment and appreciation that surges forward, transforming and inspiring us, and improving business outcomes. The more gratitude going around, the more human connections are being made, and the more collaboration, engagement, and innovation across the organization. Moreover, when recognition is given frequently throughout the year, the impact of that positive reinforcement is even greater.

5. Positive Attitude

A positive attitude keeps everyone trying new things, feeling brave about brainstorming new ideas, and makes people feel excited to go to work with their co-workers. A positive attitude is foundational to quality customer.

To keep a positive attitude, embrace the concept that there are no justified resentments in life.

Having a positive attitude can provide many benefits to your personal and professional life. It can even affect those around you in a positive way. Hopestake taught it's IBOs through various training that how to turn a rebuff into a win. There are hundreds of successful stories in Hopestake who got success, achieve remarkable target and have fulfill their dreams through positive attitude and their success rubs off on those who associate with them.

By sharing positivity with your favorite customers, prospects, and team members will enhance your ability to achieve your goals and milestones, make sales, add prospects to your network, build your team, and build a thriving and dynamic business. As with any skill, maintaining a positive attitude takes daily practice, which is why it’s so essential to surround yourself with positive people, information, books and more. These outside forces have more impact on you than you may even realize at times. 

By having a positive attitude at work, you are able to sail through challenges and think of more creative solutions for them.

Positivity is transmissible! Positive people are always winners. The more time you spend with positive people, the more positive your attitude will be. Positive attitude will encourage more people to want to work with you, either buying from you as a customer or joining your team as a direct seller. Positive attitude will create positive environment which will reduce stress, improve customer relations, produce more energy and in result increase productivity.

6. Courage

Courage gives you the ability to put aside your fear of failure and take the first steps. It gives you the power to chase after things that are important to you. It permits one to face extreme dangers and difficulties without fear to take (or lose) courage. It also bolsters your self-confidence and allows you to believe in your abilities. Being more courageous in your life will help you respond appropriately to risks and accomplish positive things in your life. 

Stephen King, a bestselling author, who is a master when it comes to playing with fear writes:

“The scariest moment is always just before you start. After that, things can only get better”

“People who recognize and develop their strengths not only feel happier and less depressed but are also more resilient, look for ways to reduce the stress in your life, look for ways to relieve stress”

Most people are afraid of failure, which often keeps them stagnate or stuck in the same place. Everyone has the ability to improve their courage muscles with the right training and practice. Hopestake provide trainings on courage to it's IBOs and leaders which help them to manage emotional response and overcome their fear so that it does not stop them taking action. These trainings makes you a better-rounded person, gain experience for future endeavors and broadens your experiences in life. Our professional trainings empower your to be courageous despite feeling fearful and hence coming closer to your goals personally and professionally. We make the growth primary focus of life of our IBOs due to which they does not care about the difficulties and hardships.

Courageous people become faces of leadership and inspiration to others. They stand up for themselves and others in need and inspire others to do so.

7. Passion

"Passion generates excitement for what we do and how we do it. With Passion at the heart of everything we do, we nurture ideas, inspire excellence, and find creative ways to eliminate obstacles for cultivating growth. "Passion is what gives you boundless energy, intense almost single-minded focus and the willpower to overcome even the most daunting obstacles. A passion gives you a reason to keep learning and to work toward mastery.

Passion elevates the person in direct selling to perform at a level they never thought possible and a pace they never thought do able. They refuse to give in, give out, give way, or give up. In Hopestake success requires passion and a fire of connection to the heart that most never develop. The more passion you have for your work, the more value you create through it. The passion for what you are marketing will lift your spirit, energize your heart, and fuel your mind to move further and faster to achieve higher levels of success.

Successful entrepreneurs are "passionate" about what they do. The leadership of Hopestake is genuinely good, strong, confident, and has attained the success you desire, make an effort to cultivate a relationship. People with these characteristics are the kind of people you want in your life.

Remember one of the greatest lessons Steve Jobs taught us when he said;

“Passion is the difference between having a job or having a career ”if you don't love what you're doing it's just a job.

Bertrand Russel, a prominent 20th century philosopher and social critic, wrote;

"The continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of happiness."

If you want to have a successful direct selling career that is sustainable and makes a positive impact in your community, your passion must fuel your mission. Passion empowers you to discipline yourself, stay focused, and defer other pleasures until your dream comes true.

8. Quality

(a) Absolute quality products:

The integral part and top priority of Hopestake is the quality product or service that it provide to its customers. Quality is vital to the success of our business. Quality is the foundation of our business and is the key to keeping customers satisfied. Hopestake create and distribute high-quality goods and services to it's IBOs and customers. Our product have the capacity to meets and exceeds the customer’s needs and expectations, gives customer satisfaction as we continuously focus on improving products and making them free from any deficiencies or defects, that’s why, our products are highly demanding. Our professionals focus on engaging the customer, asking for feedback and improving functions to maintain a quality product and increase loyalty.

(b) Culture of improvement to keep getting better

Why should your business care about quality?

Businesses must do everything they can to keep up with their competitors. Delivering superior products and services is paramount

Improvements in performance, features, or other dimensions of quality lead to increased sales and larger market shares.

Quality means doing it right when no one is looking”. Henry Ford

Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in; it is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for.

Peter F. Drucker; A culture of improvement to keep getting better

Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric”. Philip Crosby

“Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten”. Gucci family slogan

(c) Good Reputation:

One of the key points of Hopestake fast and tremendous growth is it's good reputation in public.

Our Good quality products has always achieve positive reviews from customers. These positive reviews of our customers on social media help and boost our business’ traffic and orders. Due to strong reputation for high-quality goods and services Hopestake generate more revenue and customer traffic than it's competitive businesses and companies.

(d) Our Standards:

Hopestake has set it's own certain specific standards and develop set of quality requirements that each product or service must meet before releasing it to the customers so that uniformity is achieved in the entire set of products being manufactured. These quality standards are set such that the features and specifications offered by the product are capable to meet the implied need of the product.

Our end goal is to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth.

(e) Multi product option:

Our quality products has proved their usefulness for our customers and IBOs consistently. Our Products are of not only good quality but are reliable and efficient and appealing, customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value.

We have improved quality by committing to making quality a top priority at all levels in the company.

(f) Quality Management System:

Managing quality means constantly pursuing excellence. In Hopestake high standard is being maintained throughout the company.

Hopestake has a Good quality management system which help it to enhance it’s brand and reputation, protect it against risks, increase its efficiency, boost its profits, reduce waste, and position it to keep on growing. This Quality management help us to turn our prospects into loyal customers/ IBOs. It helps us to improve our product’s reliability, durability and performance.

We are continuously making efforts for improving our products, incorporating changes and eliminating defects. Quality management plays a crucial role in a company's growth and performance. It provide the information and guidelines for doing things correctly and help to achieve optimum cost efficiency and utilization of available resources. It is also a key resource in the competition for customer relationships, striving to deliver a superior experience. It ensures a clear communication structures, responsibilities and tasks across all departments.

It is also important to have people who can provide the knowledge, tools and guidance to help everyone else play their part in achieving quality. These people are quality professionals, which is a career in high demand from many employers. Quality professionals are dedicated to protecting and strengthening their organizations by making sure stakeholder’s needs are met ideally, that their expectations are exceeded.

9. Creativity

Creativity in business is a way of thinking that inspires, challenges, and helps people to find innovative solutions and create opportunities out of problems

It is creativity that keeps moving business moving forward with fresh new ideas and innovation. This encompasses more than new products or services, it includes streamlining efficiency and productiveness. The reason creativity is the most valued skill is that it generates a positive impact on the ROI (Return on Investment) and creative people are independent thinkers and innovative with problem-solving. Creativity increases curiosity and drives the desire to learn.

10. Innovation

Innovation motivates action: to take risks, encourage curiosity and new ideas, learn from mistakes, and constantly strive to exceed expectations. We foster innovation and will take personal risks to improve our service offerings. We will continuously strive to be the best in order to earn and securely maintain our leadership position as the premier provider of outsourced business process services. Through innovation, we generate solutions for our customers and raise the bar — both within our workplace and throughout our industry."

11. Fun

We also feel it’s important to have a sense of humor. We like to laugh—it makes our work that much more enjoyable. Having fun is part of having a positive attitude. We also invest in community and company events that help our employees and their families feel a connection to Workday beyond business as usual. Remember, the excitement of starting a new venture, the rush you felt when you did your first successful party, how great you felt being recognized for your hard work

Self-Improvement: We are committed to continuous investments in the growth of our team members. We also ask our teams to actively take responsibility for their own self-development.

12. Diversity

Hopestake is supporting and promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace and gaining benefits that go beyond the optics. HOPESTAKE has the transformative power to change and contribute to a more open, diverse and inclusive society. Diversity increased profitability and creativity, stronger governance and better problem-solving abilities. IBOs with diverse backgrounds bring to bear their own perspectives, ideas and experiences, helping to create organizations that are resilient and effective. Diversity in the workplace is an asset for both businesses and their IBOs, in its capacity to foster innovation, creativity and empathy in ways that homogeneous

A Boston Consulting Group study found that companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to innovation.

Diversity is no longer constrained to physical attributes, like race, gender and religion. It also encompasses differences in work style, generational differences and personalities. Embracing workplace diversity is important, as it increases the talent pool and brings new ideas, perspectives and skills to our workforce.

Put simply, greater diversity means greater business vibrancy, and we must ensure and stress the importance of respect in the workplace to reflect this. Whether through diversity of background, experience, opinions, or views, it’s how we build a sustainable business."

13. Durability

Durability comes when your business has a high enterprise value (meaning it can successfully survive and even thrive without you). The people, processes and procedures are in place to weather the long-term. Yet, business durability is by no means a guarantee of profitability – the two don’t always go hand-in-hand. I’m sure many of you can think of at least one practice that has evolved into a large enough enterprise with multiple professionals that it could certainly survive the departure of its founder. However, it may not be particularly profitable because the operation runs inefficiently. At the end of the day, profitability is all about efficiency.

Hopestake always works on quality, our focus is on durability, which is the company’s ability to sustainably create value over an extended period. The three pillars of a durable business are a strong management team, a sustainable business model, and solid financials. It allows our businesses to not only participate in up markets, but also protect capital during down markets. 

14. Impact

Hopestake prioritize doing work that consciously, systemically and sustainably serves or attempts to solve a local and global community needs.

“Social impact strategy is any effort to create public value that is systematic, sustainable and innovative. Effectively creating social impact is an essential challenge to all organizations regardless of geography or sector.”

Dr. Peter Frumkin, The Center for Social Impact Strategies

“A social impact org making the tech ecosystem and entrepreneurship more diverse, inclusive, and impactful. Pioneering work ranging from education programs and community building to evangelism and investing. Impact demonstrates the immeasurable power of our shared values and collective effort to effect positive, ground-breaking change and deliver excellence for our IBOs, colleagues, and communities."

15. Unity

Unity is the bond that strengthens us. We know that we are stronger as a team than we are individually. At Hopestake we stand in partnership, united around our vision, mission, commitment and values.

Unity is key, but it involves effort from every individual, just how Allah (swt) mentions in the Qur’an;

“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers.” [3:103]

People in unity look forward to work towards a common goal instead of satisfying their own selfish motives.

The power of unity is so vast, that just by coming together, we can change lives. We can uplift those who are feeling down and we can create a sense of belonging to those vulnerable and those who feel alone.

When we work together, we are motivated and encouraged to work harder. Also, we push each other to accomplish the goals which might not be possible alone and this works as a great motivational factor.

Unity is a powerful weapon to be successful in trade and commerce. It is said that without unity to run trade and commerce is impossible.

With any team, unity or teamwork is important. It is what allows a team to run like a well-oiled machine and achieve success. As the title of this section says, “Many Voices, But One Message.” Without such unity, your team – ANY team – is doomed for failure.

There are uncountable benefits of staying in unity. We can accomplish big tasks, rely on the people in times of need and nurture youth power in a better way.

16. Humility

Humility reminds us we don’t have all the answers. When we make a mistake, we learn from it and constantly strive to get better each day. We leave our egos behind and seek first understand by asking questions and listening to our IBOs.

Humility soothing the soul. Humble people are known to cope a little easier with anxiety about mortality. ...

Gaining excellence in leadership.

Humility is a key to excellent leadership. As a leader, your humility demonstrates a desire for collaboration rather than internal competition.

Increase of self-control.

Having high self-control is one key to a successful life.

Better work performance.

The humble not only make better managers, but they also make better employees.

Being more helpful.

Humble people are, on average, more helpful than people who are conceited or egotistical.

Earning people's respect.

Humility facilitates effective learning by keeping you open to new possibilities.

Humble people are more effective leaders and are valued in social settings due to their tendency to behave more generously, selflessly and altruistically.

Humility is in fact, one of the most powerful and important attributes of growth, both in and out of the ring. Being humble helps to build trust and facilitates learning, which are key aspects of leadership and personal development.

As the revolutionary Nelson Mandela once said “The first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself. Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.

Humility is an asset for self-improvement. By living a humble life, you recognize the areas of your life that need work.

17. Accountability

Accountability and transparency are generally considered the two main pillars of good corporate governance.

Accountability is an assurance that an individual or an organization will be evaluated on their performance or behavior related to something for which they are responsible. Corporate accountability involves being answerable to all an organization’s stakeholders for all actions and results.

Corporate accountability also implies that an organization must be answerable for any deviations from its stated goals and values, which might be documented and made publicly available through a mission statement or vision statement. Beyond that, the concept of corporate accountability is often broadened to imply a requirement for business to follow ethical, responsible and sustainable practices.

Accountability reminds us that we are personally responsible for our own decisions, actions and efforts in achieving our goals. We hold ourselves accountable for being a team player in helping others succeed and for exemplifying our core values.

Without a accountability investors and the public can lose faith in the trustworthiness of corporate financial reports, which has happened many high-profile accounting scandals in the past. Without checks, balances, and consequences for wrongdoing, the integrity of the capital markets would not be able to be maintained, damaging those markets' ability to perform their vital social functions.

18. Teamwork

Teamwork is the backbone of effective communication within a company. When employees work as individuals or independently on projects, they may not readily share knowledge or new information. This lack of communication increases the time it takes to complete projects, tasks or the development of solutions. Teamwork promotes conversation between employees regarding the task at hand, possibly preventing employees from working in opposite direction. "The positive spirit with which we support each other fosters open, honest, and meaningful relationships. We celebrate and embrace our diversity. We invest in each other because we win or lose as a team."

We constantly communicate the vision and mission of our company.

We create an atmosphere of working through adversity. Overcoming adversity strengthens the “oneness” and bond. You learn more from your losses than wins.

Teamwork among a diverse group of people will almost always reveal new, fresh ideas. And those new ideas are invaluable in today’s competitive business environment.

Commitment to Customers:

Commitment involves a long-term desire to maintain a valued partnership. We work hard to deepen our relationship with our customers and partners. The results of a relationship based on commitment and trust are cooperative behaviors that allow both parties to fulfill their needs.

An affective commitment has the largest positive impact on satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Service Commitment:

We provide valuable information of our products and property societies to our customers and IBOs so that they can use our product in better ways.

19. Service

Service is our reason for being. Through a servant heart, we enrich the lives of others and consistently demonstrate care and concern for people. We serve by lifting others up, inspiring others with our example and always looking for ways to make a difference in people’s lives. Our experts maintain a deep industry and technical knowledge required to deliver customer service excellence. Rest assured that in every one of our marketplaces, we bring the quality, skill, and knowledge needed to help your business succeed.

We believe that putting our Values into practice creates long-term benefits for IBOs, customers, employees, suppliers, and the communities we serve. We take responsibility for QUALITY. Our products and services will be “best in class” in terms of value received for dollars paid. We will deliver excellence, strive for continuous improvement and respond vigorously to change. Each of us is responsible for the quality of whatever we do.

We deliver CUSTOMER satisfaction

We are dedicated to satisfying our customers. We believe in respecting our customers, listening to their requests and understanding their expectations. We strive to exceed their expectations in affordability, quality and on-time delivery. Customer Service is a fundamental part of who we are.

We believe that every customer should expect and receive good service, and because this is at the heart of our business, we want to make this commitment to you. Our Customer Service commitment will help us make sure that we meet your expectations every time you deal with us.

We value our clients as business partners. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to them and will treat their goals and objectives as our own. We will increase their competitive advantage by consistently exceeding expectations.

From day one, we set out with a vision to build a creative, empowered, customer-focused family of employees who saw beyond simply making sales and constructing workflows. Our emphasis on the customer experience permeates every level of our culture and collective work ethic. We love what we do, and we show it.

We believe that putting our Values into practice creates long-term benefits for IBOs, customers, employees, suppliers, and the communities we serve.

We value our clients as business partners. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service to them and will treat their goals and objectives as our own. We will increase their competitive advantage by consistently exceeding expectations.

We provide LEADERSHIP as a company and as individuals.

Company’s leadership is founded on talented IBOs effectively applying advanced technology, innovative and key point business management. We add more value at lower cost with faster response. We each lead through our competence, creativity and teamwork.

We act with INTEGRITY in all we do.

We are each personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and fairness in all aspects of our work. We fulfill our commitments as responsible citizens and employees.

We value our PEOPLE.

We treat one another with respect and take pride in the significant contributions that come from the diversity of individuals and ideas. Our continued success requires us to provide the education and development needed to help our people grow. We are committed to openness and trust in all relationships.

We regard our INVESTORS as essential team members.

We owe our suppliers the same type of respect that we show to our customers. Our suppliers deserve fair and equitable treatment, clear agreements and honest feedback on performance. We consider our suppliers’ needs in conducting all aspects of our business.

20. Handicrafts with Genuine Stuff

Handicrafts are the rudiments that demonstrate regional and cultural identities. Pakistani handicrafts have been in the picture for 5000 years. Exporting handicrafts have also marked cultural significance and dignity around the world.

Pakistan is an old world civilization with a rich history of rich art and culture. Mangos, citruses, Indus dolphins, the incense of Sufi shrine, spices, and gems—it encompasses so many contradictory things within it that you will have to visit it to experience it in its true complexity and beauty.

One of the top objective of Hopestake is to represent the rest of the world that how much Pakistan is rich in Art and craft. We will show the talent, hard work, dedication and artistic vision to the world.

Artisans of Pakistan, wood, metal, marble, clothes, clay was canvasses for their creativity

We also want to document and preserve this cultural heritage, so in the coming months, we would be writing about the unique crafts of Pakistan and the geographical areas which gave rise to these crafts.

Our aim is to provide access to the international market to Pakistani artisans so Pakistani handicrafts crafts can be preserved from the incursion of industrialization and low wages — and introduced in the international market.

We aim to create demand for Pakistani handicrafts so their supply and the skills craftsmen who produce them can be protected.

Ceramics and pottery:

Pottery is one of the oldest skill humans have learnt.

It is an artistic expression of our prehistoric life.

Ceramics and pottery have their roots in Gandhara civilization, even the ruins of Gandhara have yielded toys made with clay and this tradition has stayed alive in the villages of southern Punjab and Sindh where you would find artisans creating ceramics and then painting them over with Naqashi or Kashi Kari.

Brass and Copper:

Metal brass is a huge market in Pakistan and it is still growing. Brass and Copper have been worked in the northern Pakistan lands ever since the Mughals invaded and were amazed by the skill of local artisans. Extremely intricate carving on brass and metal is done in Swat and old bazaars of Peshawar to create wondrous creations which can momentarily stun you with their craftsmanship.

In Pakistan there is not a great appreciation and demand for brass products. This is the reason why Pakistani handicrafts are usually created and exported, and there is great demand of these products in the international market.

We are the manufacturers and exporters of high quality made brass handicrafts including flower vase, candle stand, animal figures, jars, wall hangings many more product.

Wood Carving:

Wood Carving was inspired by the elaborate Mughal architecture; brave artisans working in small cities are still creating furniture pieces fit for a king .The origin of these handicrafts is from small cities such as Chiniot and Sargodha.

The Marble carvings done in northern Pakistan can leave Michelangelo stunned. Virtuoso craftsmen work with porcelain marble pieces to create decorative items, utensils, and art which leaves you breathless with its purity and perfection.


Khussa is a collage of all the syncretic influences of Pakistani culture, made from leather, it is embroidered with traditional motifs and mirror work to create an utterly unique footwear.

Embroidered Dresses:

Embroidery has been the staple of women in Pakistan, it is often the only canvas available to a woman to exhibit her creativity and imagination and they have utilized it to create unique styles specific to each region. This was how they expressed their individuality.

We are committed to manufacture and exporters of a vast range Embroidered Dresses Dress Accessories, like necks, sleeves bottoms, in Sindhi, Baluchi, Seraiki, Multani, Rajasthani, Thari, Kashmiri, Cholistani, Hazari, Afghani, Peshaweri.

21. Our Five Key Behaviors

(a) Live the Company Values

We all have the company values listed on the back of our badges—Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Integrity, People, Suppliers. Integrity must characterize everything we do. We want everyone who comes in contact with us to know that we do things the right way at Company. We don’t take short cuts.

(b) Focus on Operating Excellence

Company is very well positioned strategically. We must focus on program performance to deliver on the full operating and financial potential of our company.

(c) Act with Speed

Company is a much larger company today than we were. With this increased size comes the challenge of operating in a timely fashion. We must avoid time delays. We must be agile enough to act faster than our competitors. This “small company” behavior has characterized Company all along and is one we must continue.

(d) Communicate Openly

We want good news to travel fast and bad news to travel even faster up the line. We need to be mindful of the importance of honestly communicating problems as well as breakthroughs. The sooner we communicate a problem, the easier it is for us to marshal our company’s resources to solve it.

(e) Collaborate across the Company

Our power comes from the talented people who make up our company. By cooperating and sharing our knowledge with each other seamlessly across organizations, we can make our company even stronger.

Frequently Asked Questions