Q-1. What is Hopestake?
Ans. Hopestake is the latest Generation Direct Selling Company which offers exciting business opportunities to its customers worldwide. This is the first ever company in the history of Direct Selling with truly & really growing value products like land, education, houses, households, daily consumer products, clothing, foot wears along with a strong and healthy DAILY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY and YEARLY based jumbo earning opportunities.
Q-2. How business can be started with Hopestake?
Ans. Smart Bundle products are entry gate in the system. You are to buy products of your own choice worth of 5PV and can start your business with Hopestake.
Q-3. What is Smart Bundle?
Ans. Hopestake Brand products or any property/ plot at various societies which are available separately in the store with the heading of “Smart Bundle”.
Q-4. Can anyone purchase product of his/ her need after joining and start of business with Hopestake?
Ans. Yes, every product could be purchased any time after joining from the Corporate Products category.
Q-5. What is Corporate Product?
Ans. These products include company’s own brands, any other company’s brand which is affiliated with Hopestake or a real estate product from any society which is available at our panel at society price are defined as Corporate Products.
Q-6. Could anyone purchase products of domestic use/ grocery etc through Hopestake?
Ans. Yes, after starting business with Hopestake, you can purchase all such products from the Regular Products category through merchants of Hopestake if not available in “Smart Bundles” or “Corporate Products”.
Q-7. What is Regular product?
Ans. Regular products are the products other than Hopestake brands which you can buy from the affiliated merchants with the company like grocery store, malls, bakers, shops, fuel pump, pharmacy store etc.
Q-8. What is PV?
Ans. Company have it's own Trading terms known as SV, PV & CV.
PV means Purchase Volume. On purchase of every self-product, you will get purchase volumes described with that product. Purchase Volumes are important for increasing your Rank.
Q-9. What is SV?
Ans. SV Means Sale Volumes. On sales of every product in your team you will get 15% (Maximum) & 5% (Minimum) of Sale Volume described with that product.
For example if a product have 10SV, then if a team member purchase that product you will get 15% i.e 1.5SV & 5% 0.5SV of that product.
Q-10. What is CV?
Ans. CV means Corporate Volumes. On every purchasing of your Direct Members, you will get corporate points on every product and these corporate points are described with each product.
You will get corporate point for 12 months straight. One corporate point is equal to Rs.1, corporate points can be from 5-25000 on a product.
Q-11. What is Wallet mean at Hopestake?
Ans. In your Business account, you have multiple wallets used for smooth running of Company’s sale purchase mechanism.
Q-12. How many Wallets are there and what is the usage of each?
Ans. There are 6 wallets in total for following usage:
- Hope Wallet: You can convert your commissions from Network Wallet to Hope wallet. Then, you can request for a bank withdrawal from your Hope wallet.
- Gift wallet: On every personal purchasing, you receive Hoperks (Surprise Gift Points) from company in your Gift wallet. This will be activated in 2025-26 or later (Subjects to Govt. approvals).
- Purchase wallet: This wallet is designed for your savings which is used for personal purchasing of different products or you can use it for new joining along with Block and Network wallet. Whatever you're earning from the company it's 12% amount is directly deposited to your purchase wallet.
- Block wallet: This is Company's wallet. It cannot be generated nor be earned. You have to demand it from company. This wallet plays a major role in Joining or purchasing.
- Network Wallet: All your commissions are credited directly to this wallet. This wallet plays a vital role in new Joining and personal purchasing. It’s transferable from one IBO to another and convertible from Network wallet to Purchase wallet and Network wallet to Hope wallet.
- Pay@ Wallet: This wallet is reserved for save and sum bonus only which may be attached with Block chain for Hoperks in future (Subjects to Govt. approvals).
Q-13. Does there any applicable charges on such transactions?
Ans. Following are the applicable charges:
- There are no charges for transferring payments from one member’s wallet to another.
- No conversion charges from Network to Purchase wallet.
- Same day conversion charges on commission (NW wallet) @12% from network wallet to Hope wallet, the amount once converted to Hope wallet could not be reversed and only to be drawn through bank.
- Any time after same day charges on commission (NW wallet) @24% and withdrawal from outlet after written request on prescribed form.
- Bank Withdrawal charges are 0%.
- The annual services charges are Rs.3,000/- which will be deducted on the 1st January every year and these are advance charges.
- At start up, you have to pay Rs.1,950 towards account maintenance/ services charges and business booklet delivery charges.
- WHT or any other charges applied by Govt. @ defined by Govt.
Note: Policy changes will continue over time.
Q-14. Does there any other charges/ deductions are applicable?
Ans. Following charges will be deducted from Network wallet:
- @5% of earned commission for Mother Outlet expense.
- @12% earned commission to own Purchase wallet which could only be used for products purchasing/ asset building
- Services and guider charges for societies visits according to rank except Ambassadors, at following rates:
- Care Taker: 300/- per month
- Representative: 600/- per month
- Organizer: 900/- per month
Q-15. Could products be returned after purchase from Hopestake?
Ans. We have a return policy which offers our client’s money back within 30 days of purchasing. On return of Smart & Corporate products, 25% deduction will be applied and remaining amount (-25% each wallet) will be credited to same wallet from which it was deducted. No Return will be applicable from start date to end date of any promotion. For more Terms & Conditions, read Para-7 (c) (ii) at Terms of Use.
Q-16. Is there any guarantee/ warranty for purchased products?
Ans. On the purchase of leather product (Hopestake Own Brands), the company gives you a 5-years Free-of-Cost (FOC) insurance, within which you have the opportunity to return your used product and get a new product in lieu. For more Terms & Conditions, read Para-7 (c) (iii) at Terms of Use.
Q-17. After joining Hopestake, can someone change CREDENTIALS of his user account?
Ans. Yes, you can do up to 4th Rank. By applying for change of credentials at a prescribed form available at website and following condition-29 at Terms of Use along with prescribed charges.
Q-18. Is there any Code of Conduct for Leaders related to their teams?
Ans. Yes, there is a complete policy for leaders and team’s conduct. For details of policy, you must read Para-33 of “Terms of Use” at this website.
Q-19. Can females work with Hopestake?
Ans. Yes, anyone can join Hopestake without discrimination of Gender.
Q-20. Is there any rule/ policy for prestige of females?
Ans. Yes, there is a complete policy for dealing with females to maintain their prestige. For details of policy, you must read Para-34 of “Terms of Use” at this website.
Q-21. What is the legal status of Company?
Ans. Hopestake is an officially registered Pakistani company from respective Departments according to the needs of the Company and more required registrations are in process, further may be processed as and when required. You may find details on website.
Q-22. When Hopestake started its business?
Ans. HOPESTAKE started its successful journey in 2014 with full planning and Roadmap.
The Hopestake started its journey in 2014, first Tier time span covers 15 years (2014 to 2028). This journey, which started in 2014, includes six different phases and multi-projects of the company and will be completed by 2028. After that, company will continue 2nd Tier of it's Road map till 2043.
Q-23. What is the purpose of Merchants?
Ans. We are providing every need for life through our own brands and in coalition with merchants for the rest of all needful products for domestic, personal and outdoor use. You can purchase products from affiliated merchants after becoming the member of Hopestake.
Q-24. What does Flush Out mean?
Ans. There will be master flash out on Network wallets on 31 December every year. Members have to utilize all Network wallet before 31st of December or withdraw their Network wallets through bank before 1st of December every year.
Q-25. How commissions could be withdrawn?
Ans. All the Commissions, bonuses and incentives are credited to Wallets in the form of Digital Money Tokens (DMT) and managed in Network wallets. These DMTs could be withdrawn by converting them to Hope Wallet and then to IBO’s Bank account at any time by paying applicable charges.
Q-26. What is Leadership age Training?
Ans. Emerging Leaders Basic to Advance level trainings would be conducted after every 3 months. This will be given to them by arranging a tour of some pleasant place.
Q-27. How Real estate Societies are selected for Hopestake panel?
Ans. Hopestake has a strict criteria for the selection and taking any society to its panel. Hope Property Department (HPD) ensures all the relevant information about the society like its NOC/ Legal Matters, Location, Owner (s), Land and Development etc so that Hopestake Client can fearlessly invest in the societies at our panel.
Q-28. How societies Grand Visits are conducted?
Ans. Hopestake arranges 2 visits of different well known and reputed societies in a month to its Valued Real Estate clients from all over Pakistan.
Q-29. How Grand Visit’s expenses are met?
Ans. Hope stake arranges society’s grand visits and bears all the transportation and meals expenses during the visits and on ground gives the detailed briefing/ information about the respective society, so that the client can select a better choice for his/ her future.
Q-30. How plots files/ documents are provided to customers, those purchase through Hopestake?
Ans. Hopestake’s property department collects all the required data from the client, verify it by DNFBP, process received data from concerned society and then provides the purchased Real Estate Plots files to clients within 30 to 45 days. These documents are delivered to respective clients at their concerned mother Outlets.
Q-31. Can anyone get a chance to build up his carrier in Hopestake’s management?
Ans. Hopestake does not hire experts from outside its platform and always provides golden chance to its valued IBOs to find a carrier in Hopestake’s management by showing their skills, consistency and loyalty.
Q-32. Is there any investment opportunity for IBOs at Hopestake?
Ans. Hopestake has planned an “Investment Pool” for its IBOs through which they can invest in future projects, this could be launched after obtaining required approvals from Government.
Q-33. What is Care Share Pool?
Ans. Care Share Pool is a way of passive income and anyone can get it under following conditions:
- All IBOs have 24 months from the day of joining Hopestake to avail this pool income.
- To qualify for it, IBOs their selves have to make a sale in left group and a sale in right group 1/1.
- Monthly eligibility condition is 1.5/1.5 SV team activity every month to achieve it for that month.
- Company distributes 9% of its total distributed volume equally to this pool members every month.
Q-34. What is Super Share Pool?
Ans. Super Share Pool is a way of passive income and anyone can get it under following conditions:
- All IBOs have 36 months from the day of joining Hopestake to avail this pool income.
- To qualify for it, IBOs their selves have to complete five special products sales of their direct referrals.
- Monthly eligibility condition is 5/5 SV team activity every month to achieve it for that month.
- Company distributes 7% of its total distributed volume equally to this pool members every month.
Q-35. What are the Rewards for Rank achievers?
Ans. Rank Reward is the best part of any organization and thus Hopestake also has Rank Rewards. It is not only a rank but also an asset building process for members as under:
- By attaining 15 ranks, any member can build assets worth Rs.50 crores.
- Company divide these 15 ranks into 3 families as follows:
Family Rank Company Share Member Share Prize
- Vital 1-5 50% 50% Mobile, Laptop, Bike, Gold Ring, LED etc
- Royal 6-10 60% 40% 5 million, 5 Marla plot, Apartment, House etc
- Savior 11-15 70% 30% Plaza, Stores, Hotel, Director level share etc
Q-36. What is Activity Reward?
Ans. Company gives following performance rewards to all its valued customers on “Regular Products” purchasing on quarterly basis:
- On 8 PV purchasing of “Regular Products” every month for consecutive three (3) months, 25% IBOs would be eligible for this reward for that quarter through balloting.
- By qualifying in four (4) consecutive quarters, IBO will become eligible for the annual reward automatically.
- Four quarterly and one annual lucky draw will be held at IBO’s mother outlets, in which they can get gifts ranging from 1500-5 Million.
Q-37. Who is Preceptor and what are the benefits of Preceptor Code?
Ans. A Preceptor is someone who can Present & Train the Teams on Advanced Levels when and wherever required centrally by the company, not for own team only. After achieving Preceptor code, he will receive Rs.150/- from the company on every joining through his preceptor code.
Q-38. How Preceptor Code be obtained?
Ans. To apply for obtaining Preceptor Code, following pre-requisites are required to be completed:
- Have achieved 4th Rank.
- Must be Associate member.
- Completed Super-50 Batch of Leaders in team.
- Completed 25 leaders Online course in team.
- Good & fluent speaker with comprehensive knowledge about company and Direct selling industry.
- Must have atleast 80% marks (overall) & minimum 70% in each point of KPI.
- Recommended (in writing) by the Head of Training Department (HTD).
Q-39. Is there any Special Reward on best performance by beginners?
Ans. Best performance rewards are given by the company on monthly and yearly best performance. Company gives gifts ranging from worth of thousands to millions alongwith Golden Cap to the best performing members in their 1st month & 1st year.
Q-40. How Golden Cap can be won?
Ans. Golden Cap alongwith other valuable gifts are awarded to the best performing member on monthly, yearly and overall basis as per following conditions:
- Monthly Highest PV, SV & CV, Self-Referrals & Total Team by a new IBO during 1st Month of his joining.
- Yearly Highest PV, SV & CV, Self-Referrals & Total Team by any IBO who joined during that year.
- Overall Highest PV, SV & CV, Self-Referrals & Total Team by any IBO/ Leader during that year.
- Any IBO can win this reward once only.
Q-41. Which abbreviations are used in the system?
Ans. Following are the abbreviations used in Hopestake:
- IBO Independent Business Owner
- CPO Chief Products Officer
- HPD Hope Property Department
- HTD Hope Training Department